Black-Bean-Spaghetti mit Nektarinen und daikon kimchi

Black bean spaghetti with nectarines and "the daikon kimchi".

Warm, Mediterranean-spiced or as a cold salad, gluten-free black bean pasta is the perfect match for fermented vegetables
Warm, Mediterranean-spiced or as a cold salad, gluten-free black bean pasta is the perfect match for fermented vegetables

250g Black Bean Spaghetti
1 red onion
2 sprigs rosemary
1 nectarine
50ml white aceto balsamic
25ml agave syrup
1 lime
100g "das daikon kimchi"
1 fresh chili
Handful of pine nuts
Salt & pepper
Olive oil

This is how we proceed

Cut the washed nectarine into wedges as well as cut the chili pepper in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and chop finely.

Put the picked rosemary sprigs in a pan with olive oil, the chili as well as the nectarines and sauté briefly. Remove the rosemary and pour the balsamic vinegar over the nectarines and cook briefly. Season only with agave syrup, salt & pepper.

Cook the pasta al dente according to the package instructions.

Meanwhile, finely slice the onion and add to a pan with plenty of olive oil to sauté for about 3 minutes.

We also briefly toast the pine nuts in a separate pan (without oil) and put them in a bowl to cool.

Drain the pasta and toss in the freshly squeezed juice of a lime. Then transfer the pasta to two plates.

Arrange with the nectarine wedges and "das daikon kimchi", sprinkle pine nuts over the spaghetti and rosemary branch on top - you may serve!