Kimchipilze in Mandelsauce und mildem kimchi

Kimchi mushrooms in almond sauce with the new kimchi

Alexander Herrmann cooks with the new kimchi in his program Aufgegabelt on BR television
Alexander Herrmann cooks with the new kimchi in his program Aufgegabelt on BR television

6 mushrooms (not too small - preferably "spoon-sized")
6 tbsp das neue kimchi
2 sprigs cilantro, fresh
1-2 onion, white, medium
1 clove garlic
300 ml vegetable broth
1 lime
1 apple, green
1 dash toasted sesame oil
400 ml almond milk
1 dash sunflower oil

Here is how we proceed

1. cut the top (cap) of the mushrooms straight, turn them over, break out the stems, season the cavity with a pinch of salt and fill generously with the new kimchi.

2. place, straight cut side down, side by side in a cold, large, coated skillet, place on the stove, add a dash of oil, turn the stove on to maximum power and sauté the mushrooms until light brown on the underside. Then turn down the temperature by half and cover the pan with a lid. (In the rising steam, the mushrooms will cook and the kimchi will be warmed).

Peel and halve the onion, remove the stalk and cut into half rings about 2-3 mm thick. Peel and finely slice the garlic. Put both together in a sauté pan or small pot, sauté with a dash of oil over medium heat until colorless, translucent, deglaze with the broth, bring to a boil and season with the zest and juice of a lime, a dash of toasted sesame oil, and a little salt.

Cut the green apple into quarters, remove the core, cut the flesh into nice slices about 0.5 cm thick and spread them on the gently boiling onion ragout so that they cook slightly. (If necessary, top up again with a dash of vegetable stock).

5. Heat the almond milk in a sauté pan or small saucepan on the stove, but do not let it boil, and season generously with black pepper and a pinch of salt. Blend the hot milk with a hand blender until frothy. (If the milk doesn't turn frothy, just add a small dash of cold milk right before blending).

6. divide the apple and onion ragout among deep plates, place three stuffed mushrooms in the center of each, tuck some fresh cilantro between them, and drizzle the almond milk foam around them.

Recipe and pictures are from the BR production for the program "Aufgegabelt", by BR/Wilschewski and BR/Johne.

The episode from the show is available to watch in the BR Mediathek .