Fermented vegetables taste really good, but how do I eat them now?
bring life to your plate and your daily diet - with delicious and simple recipes
daikon kimchi
Süßkartoffel aus dem Ofen mit Tzatziki und Kimchi
Easy Weeknight Dinner mit dem gewissen Extra
daikon kimchi
Kürbis-Hummus Stulle mit Kimchi
1 Hokkaido Kürbis
2-3 EL Öl
2-3 EL Kürbis Hummus (siehe unten)
1 geröstete Scheibe Sauerteigbrot
Complete Organics Kimchi nach Wahl
Olivenöl oder Chili Öl
Optional: Chili Flocke...
daikon kimchi
Avocado bread with "the new kimchi" and pomegranate
Rustic snack times differently - Umami guaranteed
daikon kimchi
Grilled cheese sandwich with "the new kimchi
The ultimate "cheat meal" - where we also cheat a bit
daikon kimchi
Veganer Burger mit Kimchi
Kimchi und Burger? Und wie das passt! Eine wahre Geschmacksexplosion erwartet dich
mildes kimchi
Pumpkin soup refined with soy cuisine, pumpkin seeds and "the new kimchi
Pumpkin sweetens the cold winter months - we refine the soup classic with our kimchi
daikon kimchi
Baked eggplant with pomegranate and "the new kimchi
Fresh and sour taste experience with yogurt, pomegranate and kimchi
daikon kimchi
Smashed potatoes with "the new kimchi" and cheese alternative
Crispy potatoes with "the new kimchi" and Dr. Mannah's "chives" - the perfect combination
mildes kimchi
Brussels sprouts and potatoes curry with the new kimchi and Planted.Chicken
Brussels sprouts taste especially good in vegetarian dishes - but even better in combination with Planted.Chicken and kimchi