Rote Beete Onigirazu gefüllt mit blueberry kraut und kurkuma blumenkohl

Beet Onigirazu stuffed with "the herb with cranberries" and "the turmeric cabbage".

Onigirazu rethought - the full load of vegetables with the vegetable wrap from Beetgold and fermented vegetables.
Onigirazu rethought - the full load of vegetables with Beetgold's vegetable wrap and fermented vegetables.

2 pcs. Beetgold tortilla beet
100 g the herb with cranberries
100 g the turmeric cabbage
20 g sushi rice
1 tbsp rice vinegar
½ tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
50 g lettuce
¼ cucumber
1 avocado

100 ml vegan mayonnaise
3 tbsp the new sriracha

Here is how we proceed

Wash sushi rice 3-4 times, drain and cook according to package instructions.
For the marinade, mix rice vinegar, sugar and salt until sugar is dissolved.
Carefully mix sushi rice with marinade and let cool briefly.
Peel, pit, halve and slice avocado. Cut cucumber into thin, oblong slices.

Beetroot Tortilla from Beetgold Top with sushi rice, lettuce, avocado slices, cucumber, sprouts and cabbage with cranberries or turmeric cabbage. Top with another portion of sushi rice and fold in tortillas on all sides. Wrap the sushi sandwich in a beeswax cloth until everything holds together well.

For the sauce, mix vegan mayonnaise and Sriracha in a small bowl.

Then cut the sushi sandwich in half with a sharp knife and serve the sauce.