Fermented vegetables taste really good, but how do I eat them now?
bring life to your plate and your daily diet - with delicious and simple recipes
daikon kimchi
Grilled smoked tofu with "the daikon kimchi
Quick cuisine with a star restaurant look. Smoked tofu topped with "the daikon kimchi" and fried glass noodles as a final touch.
mildes kimchi
Green asparagus on marinated tofu and "the original kimchi".
Fresh and sour flavor meets asparagus and hummus
daikon kimchi
Fried pakoras with "the original kimchi
"fry the original kimchi" Indian style in a batter coat of chickpea flour? Marius shows you how it's done
daikon kimchi
Spanish gazpacho with "the original kimchi
Refreshing and spicy-piquant as a quick lunch for a hot summer day
daikon kimchi
Frische Waffeln mit Frühlingszwiebeln und original kimchi
Waffeln und Brunch gehören einfach zusammen und hier haben wir eine koreanisch angehauchte Variante
daikon kimchi
Classic kimchi pancakes with the original kimchi
Kimchijeon, also called kimchi-buchimgae, originates from Korea and is often called kimchi pancakes in our country
daikon kimchi
Bread with grilled vegetables daikon kimchi, avocado and mango
Grilled vegetables on bread taste twice as good with our kimchi
daikon kimchi
Sandwich with guacamole, salad and the original kimchi
Whether in a salad, as a side dish or as a topping on burgers or sandwiches - all we say is: open the jar, put nature on the plate.
daikon kimchi
Überbackene Blätterteigrollen gefüllt mit daikon kimchi und Reibekäse
Auch wenn wir eigentlich davon abraten, unsere Fermente zu erhitzen, diese unglaublich leckeren Schnecken solltest du probieren